
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2017

My experience using blogs in the English class.

The experience of using blog in classes was totally new for me. It has always been difficult for me to write, and sometimes I found it boring. But this situation exceeded my expectations, since what I wrote was related to my tastes and even personal anecdotes. I think it is a good tool to use as a learning method, since it is not the typical guide or sometimes listening that is a bit tedious and routine. Blogs should be a tool that is not only implemented in this type of class, as they stimulate our ability to think and create content and that is very important in a student. I feel that my skills have improved a bit, but there is still a lot to practice and learn in this language, which I hope to master a bit more as time passes. In the future, I would like to include other topics in blogs, such as the creation of stories, songs, poems, plays, etc. It would be very interesting and it would also be good to include more audiovisual content, such as the creation and editing of videos

A subject that I have enjoyed studying this semester

The branch that I liked most of this semester is psychiatry, taught by Professor José Rossi and Dr. Fernando Ivanovic-Zuvic. Both academics carry out the classes, on Wednesdays we have classes with Professor Rossi on the campus juan gomez miles and on Thursdays classes with professor ivanovic in the medical school, specifically in the psychiatric clinic. The classes are of the type cathedra, the professors expose each class a subject in particular and the students take notes of what seems to be more relevant (in this field everything is relevant). In some classes with Professor Ivanovic the interview patients who reside in the psychiatric clinic and once the case ends, the teacher asks us about the case and asks us to give our opinion about it. It is an excellent instance to learn, and after several sessions a similar activity is performed, evaluated in which the students must present a clinical file of a particular patient to evaluate the knowledge learned during the semester. The

The person I admire is: Aleksandr Lúriy

Alexander Romanovich Luria (16 July 1902 – 14 August 1977) was a Soviet neuropsychologist and developmental psychologist. He was one of the founders of Cultural-Historical Psychology, and a leader of the Vygotsky Circle, also known as "Vygotsky-Luria Circle". Luria's magnum opus is Higher Cortical Functions in Man (1962), a psychological textbook which has been translated into many languages and which he supplemented with The Working Brain in 1973. Apart from his work with Vygotsky, Luria is widely known for two extraordinary psychological case studies: The Mind of a Mnemonist, about Solomon Shereshevsky, who had highly advanced memory; and The Man with a Shattered World, about a man with traumatic brain injury. In addition Luria describes all mental activity based on three functional units of the brain: 1) Unit to regulate the tone or wakefulness. 2) Unit to obtain, process and store information that comes from the outside world. 3) Unit to program, regulate and verify

My Favorite Photograph :)

Hello classmates, this is my favorite photo my aunt took, in this photo I am with family and this pic fue tomada the last year in the lake "Todos los Santos" in the city of Puerto Varas, this photo is my favorite because I am with the people I love the most in the world and it is one of the few photos with them. I appreciate the moments in family that are very valuable in my life, they are memories that are worth saving. The day of the photo was cloudy, but I was not cold because I was with my family, it's okay! This may sound a bit corny. but it is true, this moment together with your loved ones are the best. Returning to the photo, in that volume I had short hair and I expected the result of the selection of the university, that trip served to clear me and forget reality for a moment.