Why I did choose my career: Psichology :o
Hello classmates, today I will talk about because study psychology in the University of Chile. Always thinking about the university I imagined studing a career associated to naturals science I thoug in careers as medicine, dentistry, obstetrics or nursing, that was my parents dreams and my dream in this moment, the socials science they were not an option. With respect to the university I imagined studing in the Austral University in Valdivia city or the Frontera University in Temuco city, others sites were not an option either. I decided about my future, but a one day a teacher of Psicholgy in my school talking about your work and your studies I found your experience interesting and star researching in the internet about psychology career and the other careers related with this area. When the results of PSU were are published I am very confused respect to my life and my decision about the studies were a quick and hasty. My first option was Psichology in the Univers...